Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Hi ALL, 

Some October 2016 news:
I took Sarah to her soccer game this week.  As we were walking to the soccer field, Sarah told me some hilarious things:

“I should have two Dads and two Moms” (Brian was in Japan and she was missing him).  Another Dad would solve the problem if one Dad is out of town—you can just go to the other one.  Sarah told me she wanted to walk to Japan but she would have to “take a lot of snacks because Japan is on the other end of the world”.

We had the semi-annual, pre-Priesthood meeting at Marias by Nate’s house.  It was pariticularly enjoyable to have Spencer there because he was recently ordained a Deacon.  

I went to Preston’s soccer game this week.  It was fun to see Preston.  He has a lot of speed.  With a little more ball control, he could be great.   

16 October 2016
Amazing news---Andrea is pregnant!  This is a miracle.  Everybody is very happy at this great news. 

Hyrum’s baby blessing was this week.  After the blessing we went to Brian and Mindi’s house for food.  It was great. 

I took Brandon to play tennis this past week.  He told me that “his taste buds have evolved to where he doesn’t like bread anymore”.  Brandon also told me that sometimes he does multiplication tables to “show off because he wants to make other people laugh.  If they are happy they will learn better”.

Sarah told me, “My Mom is the boss, my Dad is not allowed to be the boss but he doesn’t do what my Mom says”.

 I took Camden to the zoo this week.  As we were driving to the zoo he asked me if, “I got Grandma’s permission to go to the zoo with me”.  

We had the annual family Halloween Party this week.  Everybody appeared to enjoy themselves a lot.  We had a potato bar and games.  The games were a fish pond, straw blowing, knocking down cans, story and popping balloons. 

Sandy and I went to Yellowstone from Thursday through Saturday this past week.  The hikes were wonderful and we even saw a grizzly bear!  We stayed in West Yellowstone. 


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