Friday, March 31, 2017

Nov Dec 2016

6 Nov 2016

We watched Spencer, Preston, Lauryn and Camden from Thursday to Sunday.  We had a great time.  We played at the park, we played tennis, I was able to see Preston and Lauryn’s swim lessons and we had a good time watching movies at night. 

Camden is obsessed with Buzz Light Year.  We couldn’t get his Buzz Light Year shirt off—we were finally able to wash it while he was taking a nap. 

Lauryn came up with some beauties:

          She and Spencer/Preston were fighting and Lauryn said, “I’m going to tell Grandma and you will be in big trouble!”
          She and I went to the park and found some a small plastic container with some pennies.  Lauryn said, “A six year old finds treasure.  That is the most amazing thing!  Let’s ask Grandma what it is—she knows lots of things”.

I went up to help Andrea on Nov 8.  Nicole and Tara were so fun to be with.  We went to the park, played in the backyard and watched the election results that night.  While we were playing in the park, we decided to make houses for bugs.  Nicole said,

          “Let’s make tract houses for the bugs”

We had the family reunion in St George this past week.  Everyone had a great time.  We swam, played games, ate great food, had the annual talent show and a nightly devotional.


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