Friday, March 31, 2017

More November and December 2016

20 Nov 2016
This week Sandy was gone all week to Andrea and Mike to help Andrea.  I helped Kaelynn.  I enjoyed being with Kaelynn and the twins.  They are learning and growing.  They smile and laugh and are just about ready to crawl.  Sandy felt that she was able to help Andrea a lot with tending and playing with children as well as housework. 

27 November 2016
Thanksgiving was much quieter than usual.  Kaelynn and Matt and the twins were the only ones who came to the house.  We enjoyed having them over.  The twins ate carrots while we ate Turkey, cranberries, etc.  Matt and I played Dominion and we watched a magic show called Carbonara which was pretty amazing.  No sporting events, though, which was a bit disappointing.

I went to Cedar City to see Emma’s school play.  I really enjoyed being with her—she is a sweet and kind young lady.  I also got to eat school lunch with her and Connor. 

Before going to the school to see the play, I went to Chris’s office and as he showed me stuff, he talked with students who came in to the office.  I was very impressed with how much he wanted to help the students.  He helped a student write her CV and went over a letter of recommendation to ensure she would put her best foot forward.  

22 December 2016

We went to Cedar City to see Allysa, Emma and Connor perform Jungle Book in the Children’s Theatre.  It was great to see the kids perform.  I’m impressed with how well the kids are doing.  They are actively involved in orchestra, gymnastics, science club, scouts, gymnastics.  They have confidence and energy to achieve their goals.  




Jaimee, Preston, Brandon, Lauryn, Camden, Sarah and Wil all came over for dinner and art/craft day.   Everyone had a wonderful time.  

Christmas Day was a grand occasion.  All family members were at the house for dinner except Andrea, Mike and the girls.  They had to stay in Twin Falls because of the snow.  Also, my parents came over.  We had a wonderful roast beef dinner and afterwards people talked and enjoyed themselves.  We had a hilarious time with Sarah especially.  People used her Kerioke machine to sing.

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