Sunday, March 6, 2011

So, How's Your Toilet Paper? March 2011

We tended Jaimee and Brandon on Friday night. We had a dinner they both liked and we made chocolate chip cookies which they both really liked. They were both funny as heck, but Jaimee, particularly, was on a roll.

She started off by saying a blessing on the food, “Please bless Brandon that he won’t whine, scream and yell”.

She typed some random letters on the computer and told us that they were Spanish words.

I told her I made some soup and asked her to try it. She tasted it and said it was very good. However, at the end of the meal she said, “I don’t like the soup I just said that to make you happy”.

After telling us about the “features” of many dinosaurs, she said, “Nobody knows how Dinosaurs died but my Dad and I know. A masteroid crashed and killed them”. Brandon piped in and said, “My dad knows everything”.

Brandon began the evening by telling me, “I have a problem”. The problem was that he could not remember a particular song.

And finally, Jaimee went to the bathroom. After doing her business, she told me, "You have better toilet paper than we do. Your's is softer". So, how's your TP folks? You need to get soft toilet paper, in case Jaimee makes an unannounced visit to your house. You wouldn't want to be on the dark side of the toilet policewomen!!!


1 comment:

Andrea McEntire said...

Wow, I hope our toilet paper meets Jaimee's standards. Yikes! Great job on the home improvement projects yo! I'm diggin' the red wall.