Monday, March 14, 2011

Cross Country Skiing at Ruby's Inn at Bryce Canyon, March 2011

Hi All,

This week we went to Ruby’s Inn in Bryce Canyon for cross country skiing. The weather and the snow were beautiful. The first day we skied around the rim of the canyon. Afterwards we sat in the hot tub and then went to dinner. We stayed in the Best Western Grand which is a new hotel across the street from Ruby’s Inn. We got a great rate on a beautiful room. The next day we skied on some beautiful trails by Ruby’s Inn itself and not by the rim. We had a good time and hope we can do this again with some of you!
Mom and Dad


Andrea McEntire said...

Wow, looks beautiful. Glad you guys got to go.

Beth Monson said...

Sounds like a great time! Next time you want to go... we are in!:)