Thursday, August 31, 2017

Sarah Zoo July 2017 and other events

Hi All, 

Kaelynn and Matt are going to have another girl!  We learned this from a "gender party" at the house.  

In other news, we went to the zoo this week with Sarah Grace.  She was such a crack up.  From the moment she got in the car she talked and talked.  She told us that,

If our house ever burned down she would,"build us a new one with beautiful flowers and pictures of BYU”;

We didn’t know that,

“It takes 100 days to walk to the mountains”

After the zoo we went to Diary Queen where she marched up to the counter and said we wanted three chocolate ice cream cones and a kids meal.  After we finished, she thanked us for taking her to the zoo and going to Dairy Queen.  

Chris and Lisa also came up for a Lagoon visit; we had a pickleball adventure with Nate, Spencer, Preston and me.  It was a lot of fun. 

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