Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ice Fishing at Hyrum Reservoir, January 2014

Hi All,

We had a wonderful ice fishing trip.  Me, Nate, Spencer, Preston, Brian, Jaimee, Brandon, Kaelynn, Matt and my Dad went up to Logan and fished at Hyrum Reservoir.  Friday night we drove up and stayed at a Super Eight.  We ate at Hu Hots  and played games in the pool.  My Dad told the kids about some childhood experiences which they all enjoyed. 

The next day we went to the Reservoir.  It took a while, but we started catching fish.  Spencer caught the most fish and Jaimee Joy caught a Rainbow trout.  All in all, everyone had a great time. 

Unfortunately my cell phone camera didn’t like the cold and so wouldn’t take pictures but I got some from Brian: 

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