Sunday, July 14, 2013

Matthew,Alyssa, Emma, Conner visit July 2013

I’ve been watching Matthew, Alyssa, Emma and Conner this week while Sandy has been in Minnesota with Andrea.  We’ve been to the zoo, we’ve gone camping, we’ve seen fireworks, we’ve been on a hike and done very various crafts.  I enjoy being with them but putting four kids together of various ages creates some problems.  I set several rules that I don’t listen to whining, you have to use please and thank you,etc. and these rules have helped.
Emma came up with some funny comments:  After we went to see fireworks, Emma said that this day, “was the best day of her life”.  She also said she was, “born on her birthday”.   She told me when she cleans up she feels the Holy Ghost.

Conner told everybody that he “was going to the bathroom standing up like a boy”.  One night after I finished telling Conner and Emma stories, Conner said to me, “you’ve finished telling the story, now

get out”.  

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