Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas 2012

Hi All, 
We got a wonderful announcement—Andrea is pregnant!  She is 15 weeks along and is doing well.  The kids gave us a beautiful picture of all the grandchildren and then afterwards gave Sandy a small present.   This present had the ultra sound of the baby.   They then had Andrea on the phone to talk to us.  It was a great moment.  Below is the ultra sound picture. 

Chris and Lisa and children came to the house Monday night.  They stayed with us until Wednesday.
Christmas morning Matthew, Alyssa, Emma and Connor opened presents.  

We had a wonderful afternoon dinner with all the kids except for Andrea and Mike and, unfortunately, Mindi was sick.  Grandpa and Grandma Monson also came over.  We made some aprons for each of the children and it was fun to see them open these gifts. Here are some additional pictures of the day.

After dinner everyone sat around and talked, played or slept.  In the evening, Matt and Kaelynn, Chris and Lisa, Matthew, and Brian played a new game Chris and Lisa brought with them.  Unfortunately, Mindi was sick and couldn’t come.
The next day the adult kids went out to eat dinner and see Lincoln while we watched the kids.  It was fun to watch the grandchildren enjoy playing with their cousins.  Matthew and Spencer; Alyssa and Jaimee were particular buddies.  

1 comment:

Andrea McEntire said...

You guys are going to have the busiest June ever with the birth of TWO new grandkids!