Sunday, August 26, 2012

Nate Graduation; Camping with Brian,Jaimee,Brandon

Hi All, 

Nate graduated with his MBA from BYU.   I went down with Nate, Beth and kids to Provo to see the graduation.  Afterwards we went out to eat.  We are very proud of Nate.  He has done exceptionally well.  

Friday I went with Brian to camp with Jaimee and Brandon.  We camped at Bountiful Flats.  This place has a fair number of memories since I took the kids and young men on a lot of campouts up there.  We had a delightful time playing around the fire and hiking.  That evening Brian and I had a great discussion about Gospel Principles far into the night.  

Andrea and Mike have arrived!  Andrea came a few days early.  We have had a wonderful time visiting and catching up.  Tuesday night we had a great time playing with Dominion with "Edward and Bella"  (Kaelynn and Matt).  Andrea and Mike have gone to Jackson with Mike's parents but will back on Thursday before the glorious wedding event.

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