Sunday, August 14, 2011

Trip to New Hampshire, Connecticut, Washington DC--Aug 2011

Hi All,

On Friday August 6, 2011 we left for our trip back East with Kaelynn. Kaelynn wanted to go back there to see her old areas and friends. The first part of the trip we were in New Hampshire. We arrived in Manchester, stayed one night at a motel and then drove to Hampton/Portsmouth New Hampshire where we saw the sea coast. There were amazing, wealthy homes along the coast. We ate a lobster roll, which we weren’t too excited about. We saw the Joseph Smith birthplace in Sharon Vermont. It was a beautiful monument and visitors center. They also had pictures from the Hubble telescope which were very beautiful.

We then drove to visit Bruce and Connie. They are very kind and gracious. They live in a beautiful area on a semi-farm. They have a horse, chickens and lots of acres of room. We went to their church on Sunday and it was great to be in a small branch where everyone is needed. Bruce also commented that 39 years ago he accepted the Gospel.

Bruce and Connie took us to see some beautiful sites in New Hampshire and then on the day we left Bruce and Connie went with us to parts of lower New Hampshire that were very beautiful.

After visiting New Hampshire we drove to Torrington Connecticut where we visited with “Kaelynn’s people” (good friends she had taught or had just been friends with). Monday night we visited with Sarah and another foster family. The next day we visited with a friend of hers in the morning, went to the Chapel, paddled a canoe around a lake called the Tom Mountain State Park, walked down Litchfield town square, visited the Litchfield Historical Society and where the first law school was, then visited with other families.

The next day we ate breakfast with another of Kaelynn’s friends and visited an older friend.

We then drove to Fairfield. We wandered along the Beach, ate dinner at Friendly’s and stayed with one of Kaelynn's friends.

The next day we drove to Washington DC and visited the Holucost Museum. It was very moving and sad. We stayed with Darrel and Nancy who are in Washington DC as Temple Missionaries. They kindly let us stay with them for two nights.

The following morning we visited Ford’s theater (where Lincoln was shot), and multiple Smithsonian exhibits—American History, Natural Science and Air and Space.

Saturday we went to the Washington DC Temple and flew home.


Andrea McEntire said...

Wow, those pictures look really great! I'm glad you guys got to back there. It looks like you had fun. Can't wait to hear about the trip!
P.S. You need to change the picture on the top of your blog. Chris and Kaelynn aren't even in it yo! And neither is Lauryn. This Christmas let's take a new picture.

Andrea McEntire said...

More pictures dad. Nice.