Sunday, December 6, 2009

Preston and Jaimee, December 2009

I watched Spencer and Preston this week. They were funny and delightful. After I dropped Spencer at his pre-school, Preston was in the back set of the car. He asked me, “Are two Lightening McQueens the same or different? I said, “The same”. “Very good Grandpa, you’re so smart. Is a Lightening McQueen and a Sally the same or different?” I said, “Different”. “Your right! Good job Grandpa!” There you have it the “same” and “different”.

Jaimee Joy performed, "Roly Poly the Polar Bear" at her dance recital this week. Below is a video of the event--Jaimee is on the far left.

1 comment:

Andrea McEntire said...

TENDER! You two are such doting grandparents. It's very c-word.