Sunday, September 13, 2009

Family Reunion and a Fiery Uintas Experience, Sep09

We had a family reunion this Saturday that turned out well. We debated what to do when you've got four little ones and hit upon the idea to go to the zoo, then women go to a movie and boys watch the kids and football game and then finish with a dinner. The actual plan was excellent in everything except that Mindi was sick and so couldn’t come. We went to the zoo early Saturday morning—the weather was great, the crowds were few and we saw a baby elephant, baby leopard, baby tiger cubs and baby gjiraffe. Nate and Brian watched the BYU football team clobber Tulane while I played with the kids. Sandy and Beth decided to wait until Mindi was available to go to lunch and a movie, so they sort of watched the game and chatted. We had a lovely dinner in the backyard with prizes for everyone! By the way, everyone got a $3, Walmart clearance t-shirt, cool, huh?

Earlier in the week, Sandy and I went to the Uintas to ride bikes and have a cookout. Those of you familiar with our family pyro, will appreciate this fire, dedicated to Sandy!


Andrea McEntire said...

Whewwee! Go momma and the fire! Wish we could have been there at the family reunion. We were there is spirit.

Andrea McEntire said...

IN spirit. Not is spirit.