Sunday, August 9, 2009

Zoo trip with Spencer and Preston

We had a lot of fun tending Spencer and Preston while Nate and Beth went to the Uintas to stay in a cabin with their friends. We went over to their house on Friday night. Saturday we went to the zoo. The trip was just about perfect—we saw the Siberian tiger up close and personal as he was feeding, the gorilla came right up to the glass where we were watching, the bird show was great, we got to pet a python and the weather was perfect. Here are a couple of pictures:

Spencer and Preston with their maps so we'll know where to go!

The Tiger feeding

Spencer waiting for the train

The boys walking on a spider web

1 comment:

Andrea McEntire said...

Looks like fun. I want to climb in the spider web. I bet Mike would pretend he was spider man!