Sunday, July 26, 2009

Babysitting Jaimee and Brandon Jul,09

This week we tended Jaimee and Brandon while Brian and Mindi went to Paris! Brian had to go for business and so took Mindi with him. They had a wonderful trip and we had an outstanding time watching Jaimee and Brandon.

We took them to the zoo, to a park to play, on a walk above Lagoon where we saw elk and buffalo, etc. However, the thing they liked the most was to just to play in the backyard sliding down the slide into a little pool. Here are some memorable quotes from Jaimee:

“Grandpa you got that scratch on your nose from a wolf”.

“Grandpa be quiet! You talked and woke up Brandon!”

“This is my Book of Mormon and the golden penny. It says, say your prayers Jaimee.

“You go to bed and I’ll watch the movies”

“I want a boymanna (banana)”

Here are some pictures of the little dears,

1 comment:

Andrea McEntire said...

Ohhhhh! That is soooo tender. What cute little munchkins.