Monday, December 1, 2008

California wickedness has spread....

While "babysitting" Spencer and Preston today, Spencer told me shocking news, he said:

"No, Grandpa we don't say prayers in our house"

As if this weren't bad enough he also said,

"We don't brush our teeth" Funny thing--why do each of the boys have tooth brushes?

If any of you know how to reclaim these poor lost souls, please give us your ideas....


Beth Monson said...
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Beth Monson said...

I think if these children had decent parents, that would solve a lot of these issues. Some parents can be so irresponsable.

Andrea McEntire said...

You know Beth, I would have to agree with you on that one. Seriously, where are the parents?

P.S. Good job on posting more pictures Dad. Keep up the good work yo.