Monday, September 29, 2014

Family Reunion, September 2014; St George, Utah

We had a wonderful family reunion Sep 24 through 27.  We went to the same home in St George as we did last year.  Everyone in the family attended and there were good feelings throughout.  We played soccer, basketball, football and swam.  We had a wonderful talent show and family Olympics. 

At the talent show many amazing talents were displayed: 
Nicole and Sarah Grace twirled around in a dance-like manner.  In addition, Sarah recited PokeMan card names. Lauryn, Spencer, Preston, Beth and Nate all dressed up in black clothes and had outlines of bones highlighted by glowsticks.  They then did a dance in the dark that was hilarious.

Conner helped his Dad set fire to hands.  Chris had a propane burner and soap bubbles.  He lit the hand of those willing to participate without burning their hands.   Emma and Alyssa performed some lovely dancing and Matthew played the Cello with background music from the Anvil Chorus—it was great.  Brandon and Brian did an amazing magic trick.  Jaimee showed us sock juggling and trampoline tricks that were done with great skill.  Mindi recited the alphabet backwards and all the Presidents by memory, which was quite a feat.  Andrea and Mike reversed roles and performed a funny skit. Matt showed us once again why he is the strongest man in the world and Kaelynn played a guitar number that was perfect for a scout campfire replete with gaseous imitations. 

The Olympics were memorable.  A few highlights: the pushup contest featured not only Mike doing a record number of pushups in one minute but Brian yelling at him to stop because Mike was embarrassing everyone.  Brandon had a “unique” push up style that showed great skill.  The strongest man, Matt, not only beat everyone’s arm in the arm wrestling contest but everyone’s whole body.  The eating contest featured eating pork rinds and year-old fig newtons.

Everyone received fabulous awards.  Several highlights:  Kaelynn received a bottle of honey in honor of what she constantly calls Matt; Andrea received a 10-minute supply of 3 bottles of hand sanitizer in honor of her paranoid protective mother role; Lisa received a magnificent bug collection;  Sandy got a bottle of Dr Pepper and Craig got a bottle of Mountain Dew.