Monday, January 13, 2014

Family Dinner 12 Jan 2013

Hi All, 

Most of the Family came over for dinner on Sunday and there were funny stories of Grandchildren.  

*Brandon does not like Kindergarten because he was “embarrassed” because he was “almost left by his class” when the class went somewhere.
*Preston was hammering something and Spencer told him to “hit it harder like you’re going to beat the crap out of it, not like you’re going to hit you’re sister”.

*Lauryn told me that “we could have a sleepover and sleep in the downstairs.  In the morning, Grandma could wake us up and give us breakfast”.  

We also took a movie of Camden which you will enjoy: 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas 2013

Hi All, 

We had a lovely Christmas.  All children and grandchildren plus grandparents Dick and Joy; Burt and Betty were at the house on Christmas Day.  We had a lovely roast beef dinner and other treats.  The grandchildren all had fun playing with each other and the adults talked and joked.  We also played a fun game with everyone in the living room called Werewolf. 

Chris and Lisa and family stayed with us until the Tuesday Dec 31; Mike and Andrea and family stayed with us until Sunday Dec 29. 
The day after Christmas we had a birthday party for Dick.  We had a soup night of clam chowder, minestromi and split pea and ham soups.  The soups were delicious. 
Other activities:  The adult children all went out to see, “The Secret Life of Walter MItty” while we babysat.  We had an oriental dinner to celebrate Lisa’s birthday.  We went to the Hogle zoo  and had fun seeing the animals.  We went sleigh riding at Woodland Park.  We played racquetball and played numerous board games of Settlers of Kataan and a new one called Pandemic. 
It was sad to see everyone go.