Sunday, June 30, 2013

Birth of Nicole, June 2013

Well, she finally made it here—Nicole was born on Saturday June 29, 2013.  Andrea went into the Hospital Friday morning.  After hours and hours of limited progress, Nicole was delivered through C-section.  It was an all-night vigil for them and for us.  We saw Nicole on SKYPE and she looks cute and healthy.   I see a lot of Mike in her....

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fathers Day June 2013

We had a lovely family dinner on Sunday.  Chris/Lisa and children; Brian/Mindi and children; Nate and children; Kaelynn/Matt and Bert and Betty came over.  All the remembrances were much appreciated even Nate and Brian’s joke presents--A giant hunting knife, bear spray in a pink container, a grabber thing to pick up stuff so I won’t have to bend down.  It was a lot of fun to be with everybody.   Below are some pictures of the event (the first one is of Lauryn at the zoo; the rest at the house):  

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Camden's Birth June 2013

Camden was born on Wednesday, June 5.  Despite a difficult birth he and Beth are doing well.

We watched the kids for a couple of days before and after the birth.  They were a lot of fun.  We have a great exercise routine—We play follow the leader with Lauryn being the leader at the playground.  After 45 minutes of going up and down slides and other things you’ve had a good workout.   

One time when we were dropping Spencer and Preston off to school a car drove in the wrong way.  Spencer said the driver was a “stupid, friekin', idiot”.  Where did he learn that?  

Spencer Pinewood Derby May 2013

Below are pictures of Spencer's Pinewood Derby--he won "Most Creative".  Preston and Lauryn also had Pinewood Derby cars.  Nate did a great job as Cubmaster.