Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sarah B Day May 2013

Hi All, 

Sarah had her birthday this week and what a great birthday party!  She had fun crinkling wrapping paper and eating chocolate cupcakes.  Doesn't she look cute.....

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fox and Bird May 2013

We went on several bike rides this week and saw a den of foxes.  Look carefully at the picture and you can see a fox. 

I also got a pretty good picture of a blackbird.  

Obviously I'm not going to win any any photography awards but I thought these pictures were interesting

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Minnesota Trip May 2013

We had a lovely visit with Andrea and Mike this week in Minnesota.  Sandy and Andrea decorated the nursery.  We played games, ate out and shopped.  I spent time working on my LDSBC stuff. 
Sandy made two beautiful quilts and a diaper bag that turned out great!