Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011

Hello All,
We had a fun Halloween party at the house. We had lunch and played games such as bobbing for apples, shooting the witch, and coloring Halloween pictures. We also had a lot of fun wrestling with each other. Here are some pictures of the event:

Everyone had a good time at the Halloween party. Right afterwards, Sandy and I drove down to Cedar City to see Chris and Lisa. Here are some Halloween pictures from Cedar City:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Random September and October Events, 2011

We took Jaimee, Brandon, Spencer, and Preston to the zoo. Jaimee told us she had to sit in the back because she wanted her “privacy”. Brandon said his dad is very “annoying”—he tells funny jokes all the time. Spencer’s reading ability was absolutely amazing. He read all the signs. He read one sign that said something like “Show the animals respect and dignity by being quiet and respectful”. Jaimee said to me and Preston, “You fools, you missed the birds”. At another event this month Jaimee told me that I will die before her but she will miss me.

Marilyn Pettingill, one of our old friends in North Salt Lake, died this week. It was very unexpected. She was our age. We went to see Ric, her husband. I was reminded of the great humility in our ward in North Salt Lake. There isn’t the kind of vanity in that area that there is amongst some in Centerville. We saw some old friends at the funeral—Chambers, Woods, Adams, Arla Westinskow, Chatmans, etc.

Robin and Richard visited this weekend. We went on a bike ride with them, went on a drive with them, went to the Temple, and went on a hike with them up Centerville Canyon to see petrogliphs. Here are some pictures of the trip: