Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Member New Job, April 2011

The bigs news at Chris and Lisa's is that Matthew is a new member of the Church and Chris got an offer at SUU! How exciting is that....

We had a lovely trip to Texas. Friday night Sandy and I arrived, talked with everyone then went back to our motel. The next day was Matthew’s baptism. I felt the baptism was a spiritual thing for the whole family. After the baptism we went back to Chris and Lisa's and ate homemade donuts. That evening we shot model rockets from a field across the street. I slept out in the backyard with the kids that night and we had fun.

Monday we painted the kitchen, living room, hallway, bathroom and bedrooms. Sandy planted in the front yard and watched the kids. I also went to Matthew and Alyssa’s school to eat lunch with Matthew. By the way Ema is becoming quite the little chatterbox.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dark Matter and Macaroni/Cheese, April 2011

Hi all,

Astronomers have found a mysterious substance called "dark matter". It accounts for 76% of the energy of the universe yet it is little understood. This is because the scientists are looking in the wrong place. If only they would ask Spencer and Preston they would learn what dark matter is and how to cook it up right. Let me explain,

Spencer, Preston and Lauryn came over to the house on Saturday and we were eating the all time favorite of macaroni and cheese. Spencer and Preston informed us that we did not cook the macaroni and cheese right. The macaroni wasn’t “dark enough”. But Spencer and Preston don’t just tell you what’s wrong, they tell you how to fix it. Spencer wrote the following on piece of paper and told us not loose it:

So, we say to astronomers, "Leave the Noodles in the Pot" and you will get dark matter. Then, for good measure, Spencer gave us the following counsel:

On another babysitting episode this week Jaimee Joy came up with a beauty. While eating dinner, Jaimee asked me to lift the bread off the bread plate (we had the missionaries over for dinner so we had the bread on our nice platter which has a drawing and words etched on the bottom). Jaimee said, “Look that bread plate has ancient writings on it”.