Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

For Thanksgiving, we had my parents over as well as Nate and Brian and their families. It was a wonderful dinner. Afterwards, people slept and we played Uno and Hangman with the kids. Here are some pictures of the main characters at the Thanksgiving feast:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jaimee and Brandon's Birthday Party, November 2010

Hi All,

Jaimee and Brandon's birthday party was a smash hit. As you can see the cakes were great; Jaimee delighted everyone with a dance and Brandon lined up all his presents in a row. It was fun to see everybody at the party.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Zoo Trip with Brandon and Jaimee, Nov 2010

Hi Folks,

We took Jaimee and Brandon to the zoo this week. We learned from Jaimee that the reason some animals can live in the desert is because of "Friction". That is where they get water. So now you now. Here are some pictures: