Monday, October 27, 2008

Matthew's wisdom

Matthew told me today that "computers are stupid", so if any of you see a smart computer please let Matthew know.

He also said, "My Mom's Dad can do more things than you, Grandpa".....but not to worry he told me that I can do more things than him because he is "still a little boy".

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I'm here in California for a week to help Chris and Lisa as they pack up and move to Utah prior to heading out to Texas. I've already heard some shocking things from Libralville--Matthew told me, "We don't pray over the breakfast food!"

The grandkids are absolutely delightful: inquisitive, active, loving and THEY NEVER STOP! Just trying to keep up with them is a full-time job......

Friday, October 24, 2008